YMCA of Hong Kong Children's Library


新書推介 New Books Releases

由2012年1 月開始,兒童圖書館將於每星期陸續推出全新中英文書籍,包括兒童聖經、兒童故事書及小說、迪士尼系列、喜洋洋與灰太狼系列、偵探推理、智力趣味書、創意美術、科學、天文、個人成長、生活小百科、歷史名著等等……大家快來看看,分享閱讀的樂趣吧﹗

Starting from January 2012, Children Library will release our new Chinese and English books every week, including Children Bible, Story & Fiction, Disney Series, Xi Yang Yang Yu Hui Tai Lang Series, Detective Books, Leisure Hobby, Creative Arts, Science, Astronomy, Self Development, Children Encyclopedia, History etc.
Do come and share the joy of reading with us!





兒童圖書館會籍 Children's Library Membership

由2012年1 月1日開始,兒童圖書館會籍將接受所有港青會員申請,不限年齡。首次申請費用為港幣$40,將為期一年,而續會費用為港幣$35。

Starting from 1st January 2012, Children Library will accept the membership application from ALL-AGED YMCA members. The membership fee is HK$40 for a year and the renew fee is HK$35.